I forgot I had this great horror dream the other night. Here goes.........
I'm in the lobby of a hospital waiting around and then all of a sudden we here extremely loud noises and earthquake vibrations like the building is coming down. Something is happening outside, I'm not sure but we figure out the hospital isn't falling and decide to run in. Before we make it past the lobby doors to get into the main foyer, the outside glass lobby doors burst inwards and a huge amount of blood is splattered on the glass in front of us. At this point other people in the lobby are freaking out and one lady is vomiting. Yea gross.....
So things advance quite a bit within a few seconds and now I'm in the hospital and there's a situation where people have become extremely sick. It makes their skin gangrene, profusely sweaty and bloated. It looks extremely sickening. Their behavior also changes, not necessarily zombie like, but basically out of their minds. I know my roommate Justin gets sick and then some girl I don't know does, but I'm asked to help console her or something.
It gets really weird here. I visit Justin in his hospital room and a bunch of people are visiting there. I think he's getting cured but in the back of my mind I still think he's going to be infected and die. As soon as I walk in I see Swiads playing the guitar. He's shredding really well and won't stop for a few minutes. After that I leave the room and find out another friend, Kyle, is infected. I roll up to where his room is supposed to be, which is strange because it's the top floor and it's huge. It's almost like the master's lair.
I walk into the room to see an orgy of these infected people, 4 girls and Kyle. I suppose they're trying to reproduce their sickened selves but I don't know to what end.
This is where the dream ended. I'm guessing had the dream continued, the infected people would have become hostile in some way.
I too was surprised at the strangeness of the dream. It was rather vivid and creepy but it really just made me want to watch a horror film.
Over and out.